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| Main » 2012 » October » 3 » Private & Public
Private & PublicThere are only two types of jurisdictions in this entire universe, that which is"Private Jurisdiction” and that, which is "Public Jurisdiction.” Every thing inside yourbody is private because only you exist there and it is a very sanitary environment;everything outside of you is the Public Jurisdiction and is full of filth. It is like when thescriptures say "Sweat and Blood,” well, that is both jurisdictions. Sweat is publicbecause it shows how much work has been executed to your cells and Blood is internaland is a fluid operation that gives life. All rights come from the right to privacy. Whatmakes this private is everybody keeps to his or her own business. In the public, as formost people involved in "the good fight of faith” have come to a great understanding ofpublic court: "Don’t ask the devil to cast out the demons.” For those of you that haven’trealized that public court is a waste of your time keep going, and I pray that you willrealize the feudal effort of raising your constitutional rights and lefts, j/k. The public hasno final remedy because you are relying on other people to fix your problems underexecution of law, and to provide the remedy, something must die. You are the biggestproblem to yourself. You have to get your thinking straight in your head before you willever find a remedy that will last. Only you can provide your remedy, don’t ask the publicto save you from them self. Remedy can only be found in a private jurisdiction and thatmeans in a sanitary environment, being your scull. The public jurisdiction is full ofinstant gratification and lascivious filth. It is the saying "You can’t fix others, until you fixyourself.” Well you are the solution to all of your problems. Your private existence iswhere you internally get to make a judgment call. It is by your internal operation thatmakes it private, not by the virtue of the paper.There is no dividing line between public and private, it is all on how you mentallyperceive things, and by their operation as to what side they fall on. Just because yousay it is private, doesn’t make it that way, it is how you do it or operate it that makes itthat way and vise versa.When things enter the public, they seem to get spun way out of control, probablywith the downward spiral of the public debt. To say it is private doesn’t necessarilymean the information is restricted for negative purposes, probably only that to releasethe information into the "public” would corrupt it because the people can’t responsiblycope with the newness of liberties that comes with private understanding, there is a veilover their hearts. That is why the Lord spoke in parables. It is because only those thatare supposed to understand at that time will.Moses from Mt. Sinai first brought down the higher law/private side and when hesaw the people living such terrible lives, worshiping the golden "CAFR” (calf), he knew itwould have been a liability on his head if he were to disseminate the higher law to thepublic masses so he went back up the Mount, and returned with the Mosaic Law/publicside because that was all the people could handle. Too many un-self constrainedliberties can wreak havoc on a people. The private side in its concept is that with thenewness of information, which increases liberties, that wise decision-making is done asto not take away the liberties of others. The golden Rule is "Do unto others as youPage 21 of 95 October 17, 2000would have them do unto you,” is really what sums up the private thought. The privateside requires by its operation the discernment of consciences.If you owe anybody money, you are public. The private owes no money toanybody, as they are the source of the money. This means that when you act incommerce and you accidentally make an offer, you have to provide a check or moneyorder (order for money) to get the other party a remedy. The accepting party must beable to Pass Thru your name for the energy of their remedy to be made. Look at PassThru this way: a check is a three party instrument, you are telling "A” to pay "B”, this is aPass Thru account because they have to use your name as the drawer of the funds toprovide the money to be moved from "A” to "B” and this cannot happen unless you arein the middle. That is why when a person dishonors and won’t come forth with the offerafter your acceptance for adjustment, and provide a remedy, they loose their exemptionwith you because you can’t Pass Thru their account to get their exemption and whenthey don’t let you Pass Thru their account to get paid, they lose their exemption (due totheir dishonor/ the re-fuse boxing) until they settle with you. This means when you get aletter, either demanding something from you (a public form of acceptance whichprovides no remedy) or an acceptance letter of you action (a request or an acceptancefor value) both of which are trying to use your name to get their remedy you need toaccept it. When it is accepted, the claim made against you was returned to pay foritself. Because we live in Public Policy, you cannot be obligated to pay, the most thatwe can do is accept the paper as though it had value and turn it back on itself becausethat is the extent of the obligation that Public Policy allows. When you accept an offer,the Offeror must also allow it to Pass Thru his account by his acceptance of youracceptance, when he has done this, he has technically accepted a bill drawn againsthim and returned it to you for negotiation. Now that both parties have accepted whathas happened, neither party owes each other anything because the original acceptorreturned the claim for full settlement and the offer accepted the return. The debt hasbeen effectively redeemed. When a person continues to dishonor, he is not allowing hisexemption to pay for the request and because of that, he loses his exemption to beprivate and now becomes public. When they don’t settle with you, they become public.It is all based around Public Policy, bottom line is = We cannot be obligated to pay adebt, the most we can be obligated to do is right up to payment, which meansacceptance and return. You have to do all you can (i.e. acceptance and return) andthen after that, mercy comes in being Grace because it is your exemption that makesthe payment. It is you inability to pay that pays for it, same as Grace.The only way to sum up everything that is outside you body is to call it theindustrial society, it is all public works, the system, government, commerce, both fiscaland calendar years, proprietors, corporations, trusts, banks, car dealers, licenseholders, Titles of Nobility, manufactures, the courts, mutual funds, your friends,nightclubs, and the like. It is all the industrial society.
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